
Archive for January 28th, 2010

So in more of the buffoonery that is the American media, Chris Matthews steps up to the plate with this one:

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And in a classic case of colorblindness/missed opportunity, colleague Rachel Maddow not only allows Matthews to take pride in his “commentary” but refuses to in any way correct him:

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From the insightful interpretation of these events from Ta-Nehisi Coates (emphasis mine):

The “I forgot Obama was black” sentiment allows the speaker the comfort of accepting, even lauding, a black person without interrogating their invented truth. It allows the speaker a luxurious ignorance–you get to name people (this is what black is) even when you don’t know people. In fact, Chris Matthews didn’t forget Barack Obama was black. Chris Matthews forgot that Chris Matthews was white.

Fortunately, not all of us white people forget so easily.

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